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To get detailed instructions about the Keyword Tool you also can read the Keyword Tool Tips first.
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Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010
Fun, Place Photo Personals So Background
Since the launch of iGoogle in early 2005, a new personalization feature has been introduced in Google, allows you to add your favorite photos or images to Google's home page background. You can select photos from your computer, your own or Picasa Web Albums Picasa Public Gallery hosted by including a selection of beautiful photos. If you choose your favorite photos, photos of your favorite tourist destination or even create your own design, now can customize according to the image you submit. For those of you who want to enjoy the look clean and simple Google and display your custom, you can easily get the classic Google search page.
Google has started to implement these new features for users in the United States within the next few days, so if you do not see a link at the bottom left corner of now, check back soon. For those of you outside the U.S., can expect to see these new features in the next few days when Google implements internationally for similar offers. You can create an image from your page with hashtag # myGooglepage Read More..
Google has started to implement these new features for users in the United States within the next few days, so if you do not see a link at the bottom left corner of now, check back soon. For those of you outside the U.S., can expect to see these new features in the next few days when Google implements internationally for similar offers. You can create an image from your page with hashtag # myGooglepage Read More..
Apple's Safari 5, 2x faster than Firefox
Apparently the iPhone is not the only one who announced in the 2010 Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco. Apple has quietly released the next version of Safari (version 5.0) for Mac and Windows platforms. Supports the most important change was that Safari 5.0 brings HTML5 and supports extensions. In addition, the Safari browser 5 also offers the possibility of Bing as the default search engine. Apple claims that Safari 5.0 is faster than Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Safari 5.0 for Mac is supported Nitro engine with JavaScript that makes the JavaScript to run 30% faster than Safari 4. Safari 5.0 is a privilege to be two times faster than Firefox, and three percent faster than Google Chrome 5. Apple's Domain Name System to take pre-visited web pages to load faster.
5 new Safari supports dozens of new web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, also allows developers to create rich media experiences. Safari was also carrying five full-screen playback and video subtitles for HTML5, HTML5 Geolocation, HTML5 forms of validation and other features. Apple also introduced a new program from the developer free Safari where developers can create extensions using standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to enhance web browser Safari 5. New Generator 5 Safari extension works like a sandbox for extensions that have signed digital certificate and only run Apple's web browser. Finally, the Safari has joined League Chrome, Firefox, and operate with the extension. Safari is available to be downloaded to run on Windows or Mac platform - Read More..
5 new Safari supports dozens of new web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, also allows developers to create rich media experiences. Safari was also carrying five full-screen playback and video subtitles for HTML5, HTML5 Geolocation, HTML5 forms of validation and other features. Apple also introduced a new program from the developer free Safari where developers can create extensions using standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to enhance web browser Safari 5. New Generator 5 Safari extension works like a sandbox for extensions that have signed digital certificate and only run Apple's web browser. Finally, the Safari has joined League Chrome, Firefox, and operate with the extension. Safari is available to be downloaded to run on Windows or Mac platform - Read More..
Mengganti Nama Drive
Terkadang terjadi suatu kasus di mana nama drive berubah, misalnya awalnya E: menjadi F:. Entah ini disebabkan karena suatu program tertentu atau Windows sendiri. Bisakah kita mengembalikannya lagi?
Jika kita memang ingin mengubahnya kembali drive dengan nama drive asalnya, ternyata Windows menyediakan caranya untuk itu. Beginilah langkah-langkahnya menurut Lincoln Spector dari PCWorld:
1. Klik Start, kemudian klik kanan My Computer (kalau di Vista namanya hanya Computer) dan kemudian pilih Manage untuk memanggil program Computer Management.
2. Di bagian kiri window yang terbuka, klik bagian Storage, kemudian pilih Disk Management.
3. Kemudian tunggu sebentar sampai Windows menampilkan semua drive yang Anda punya dan menunjukkan map-nya.
4. Begitu map sudah terbuka semua, klik kanan pada drive yang ingin Anda ubah dan kemudian pilih Change Drive Letter and Paths.
5. Pilihan ini akan menampilkan dialog box Change Drive Letter and Paths. Klik Change.
6. Pilih huruf drive dari menu pull-down yang ada di bagian kanan dialog box, kemudian klik OK.
7. Jika Anda diminta untuk restart komputer, restart saja komputer Anda. Kalau tidak diminta, jangan merasa khawatir tentang hal itu. Read More..
Jika kita memang ingin mengubahnya kembali drive dengan nama drive asalnya, ternyata Windows menyediakan caranya untuk itu. Beginilah langkah-langkahnya menurut Lincoln Spector dari PCWorld:
1. Klik Start, kemudian klik kanan My Computer (kalau di Vista namanya hanya Computer) dan kemudian pilih Manage untuk memanggil program Computer Management.
2. Di bagian kiri window yang terbuka, klik bagian Storage, kemudian pilih Disk Management.
3. Kemudian tunggu sebentar sampai Windows menampilkan semua drive yang Anda punya dan menunjukkan map-nya.
4. Begitu map sudah terbuka semua, klik kanan pada drive yang ingin Anda ubah dan kemudian pilih Change Drive Letter and Paths.
5. Pilihan ini akan menampilkan dialog box Change Drive Letter and Paths. Klik Change.
6. Pilih huruf drive dari menu pull-down yang ada di bagian kanan dialog box, kemudian klik OK.
7. Jika Anda diminta untuk restart komputer, restart saja komputer Anda. Kalau tidak diminta, jangan merasa khawatir tentang hal itu. Read More..
Siap di Indonesia, Microsoft Office 2010 dan Kelebihannya
Microsoft menurut rencana akan meluncurkan Office 2010 di Indonesia bulan ini bersama aplikasi lain di dalamnya. Secara sepintas, interface Office 2010 ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan Office 2007. Sebuah fitur bernama Navigation Pane, memungkinkan penggunanya melihat summary hasil pencarian (search) dokumen yang ditampilkan dalam single pane dan tinggal klik jika ingin mengakses salah satunya. System Navigation Pane juga memudahkan pengaturan dan pengerjaan membuat dokumen atau tulisan seperti ketika menulis buku yang terdiri dari beberapa bab. Navigation Pane bisa menampilkannya dalam bentuk daftar isi yang menggambarkan seluruh buku, jadi jika terdapat kesalahan, pengguna dapat langsung membantu menemukan kesalahan yang akan diperbaiki. Navigation Pane ini sudah ada di Microsoft Power Point dan Microsoft Word 2010 secara umum sama. Bedanya, di Power Point menampilkan bentuk slide halaman demi halaman, sedangkan di Microsoft Word 2010 ditampilkan hanya dalam satu kotak di sebelah kiri.
Salah satu kelebihan dari Microsoft Word 2010 ini pengguna dapat terkoneksi satu dengan yang lainnya sehingga dapat berbagi pekerjaan secara efisien. Selain itu, proses recover dokumen di Word 2010 juga lebih baik, bisa menampilkan file yang lupa disimpan semudah ketika membuka file seperti biasa.
Fitur lainnya seperti picture editing dan word text effect. Dengan mengklik picture editing maka terdapat beberapa pilihan fasilitas yang bisa memperindah gambar baik dari warna atau bentuk secara otomatis. Kemudian ada word text effect yang akan memudahkan pengguna memberikan berbagai efek pada tulisan, diantaranya efek seperti koran dan sebagainya. Masih ada pula fitur Convert, yang dapat mengubah format file Word 2003 atau 2007 secara otomatis dapat dibuka di Word 2010. Read More..
Salah satu kelebihan dari Microsoft Word 2010 ini pengguna dapat terkoneksi satu dengan yang lainnya sehingga dapat berbagi pekerjaan secara efisien. Selain itu, proses recover dokumen di Word 2010 juga lebih baik, bisa menampilkan file yang lupa disimpan semudah ketika membuka file seperti biasa.
Fitur lainnya seperti picture editing dan word text effect. Dengan mengklik picture editing maka terdapat beberapa pilihan fasilitas yang bisa memperindah gambar baik dari warna atau bentuk secara otomatis. Kemudian ada word text effect yang akan memudahkan pengguna memberikan berbagai efek pada tulisan, diantaranya efek seperti koran dan sebagainya. Masih ada pula fitur Convert, yang dapat mengubah format file Word 2003 atau 2007 secara otomatis dapat dibuka di Word 2010. Read More..
Install Program Baru Dengan Cepat di Windows 7 - Setiap kali kita selesai meng-install kembali Windows kita, ada pekerjaan berat yang selalu menunggu, yaitu install kembali semua program yang biasa Anda gunakan. Ini lumayan memakan waktu karena harus berulang kali memasukkan dan mengeluarkan CD Installer, men-download-nya dari beberapa situs yang berbeda dan kemudian secara manual meng-install-nya satu persatu.
Untunglah ada solusi untuk mengatasi hal ini. PCWorld memberikan solusi berupa Ninite, suatu aplikasi yang bisa membantu kita untuk download dan install program-program populer secara otomatis.
Yang perlu Anda lakukan hanyalah dengan melihat 70 lebih nama program yang ada di daftar Ninite. Anda tinggal mencentang program yang Anda butuhkan. Layanan gratis ini kebanyakan sudah menawarkan versi terbaru dari setiap program populer yang ada, termasuk Firefox, Skype, OpenOffice, iTunes, Picasa, Steam dan Revo Uninstaller.
Begitu Ana sudah selesai memilih, klik Get Installer untuk download file executable kecilnya. Begitu Anda siap, jalankan file itu dan tinggal tunggu bagaimana Ninite bekerja.
Anda tinggal memasukkan serial number jika memang dibutuhkan. Secara umum Ninite sudah menyediakan 90% dari program yang biasa kita gunakan. Read More..
Untunglah ada solusi untuk mengatasi hal ini. PCWorld memberikan solusi berupa Ninite, suatu aplikasi yang bisa membantu kita untuk download dan install program-program populer secara otomatis.
Yang perlu Anda lakukan hanyalah dengan melihat 70 lebih nama program yang ada di daftar Ninite. Anda tinggal mencentang program yang Anda butuhkan. Layanan gratis ini kebanyakan sudah menawarkan versi terbaru dari setiap program populer yang ada, termasuk Firefox, Skype, OpenOffice, iTunes, Picasa, Steam dan Revo Uninstaller.
Begitu Ana sudah selesai memilih, klik Get Installer untuk download file executable kecilnya. Begitu Anda siap, jalankan file itu dan tinggal tunggu bagaimana Ninite bekerja.
Anda tinggal memasukkan serial number jika memang dibutuhkan. Secara umum Ninite sudah menyediakan 90% dari program yang biasa kita gunakan. Read More..
Firefox 3.6.4 rilis : Flash tidak lagi membuat crash browsermu
Setelah beberapa waktu mengalami hambatan, Mozzila akhirnya merilis Firefox 3.6.4, yang merupakan versi terbaru dari browser populer tersebut. Dan salah satu kelebihan dari firefox 3.6.4 ini adalah perlindungan terhadap crashing yang disebabkan oleh plugin dari third-party browser Mozzila Firefox, terutama Adobe Flash. Update terbaru dari mozzila bisa kita dapatkan di website resmi milik mozzila, yang datang dengan perbaikan terhadap bug dan stabilitas browser. Perlindungan terhadap crashing yang sering terjadi pada aplikasi Third-party (Flash, Quicktime, dan Silverlight) ini berjalan pada proses terpisah. Sebelumnya, jika terjadi crash makan browser mozzila akan menutup browsernya secara otomatis. Tetapi dengan adanya perlindungan terhadap crashing ini, browser akan tetap berjalan, dan plugin yang mengalami crashing tersebut akan dinonaktifkan. Dan untuk menjalankan kembali plugin tersebut, maka kita hanya butuh restart ulang plugin tadi. Meskipun saat ini aplikasi perlindungan terhadap crashing hanya bisa digunakan di windows dan linux, tetapi Mozzila berjanji bahwa pengguna Mac OS X bisa menggunakannya pada Firefox 4 yang akan rilis pada akhir tahun ini. Read More.. Read More..
Gmail mensupport fitur untuk membuka Word secara online
Saat ini Gmail memiliki fitur baru, dimana fitur tersebut memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat dokumen berupa microsoft word di browser pengguna dengan satu kali klik saja. Google docs juga saat ini menyediakan fitur untuk membuka PDF, Powerpoint, dan file TIFF. Untuk melihat dokumen word tersebut, pengguna hanya tinggal klik pada link "view" di bagian bawah pesan dimana ada lampiran dokumen yang ingin kita lihat. Fitur ini akan bermanfaat sekali bagi kalangan pengguna email, karena pengguna tidak perlu membuka aplikasi terpisah hanya untuk melihat dokumen tersebut. Dan dari sana pengguna dapat langsung mengunduh dokumen tersebut atau klik pada bagian "Edit online" untuk mengedit di Google Docs. Ini adalah perubahan kecil pada Google, namun memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap tingkat produktivitas untuk pengguna yang sering menerima dan menggunakan microsoft word secara berkala. Apakah setelah ini Google akan kembali mensupport format file lainnya dengan "one-click viewing"? Read More.. Read More..
Windows Seven Laris Manis Microsoft Tersenyum
Microsoft have announced that Windows 7 is very quickly becoming the operating system with the fastest sales in the company's history, carrying 150 million licenses have been sold since it was launched last October. It's the same with seven copies of Windows 7 are sold every second since launch in October, according to a post on the Windows Team Blog by Brandon LeBlanc. Windows 7 must overtake the market share of Vista in the next few months, according to analysts. However, Windows XP, which was launched back in 2001 still has a 58% share of the total operating system market.
Most sales of Windows 7 is likely to come from the business world who have been using XP for several years, after choosing not to upgrade to Microsoft Vista. "Of course the people who hold passionate about the features and benefits of Windows 7 and that our partners provide a PC for Windows 7." Clearly LeBlanc. "One thing that people liked about Windows Seven is how to seamlessly work with the Windows Live application, we are free to share, photos, movies, and communication." Tambahnyam take the opportunity to remind us that the latest beta versions of Messenger, Photo Gallery, Movie Sync Maker and is now available to try. Microsoft also recently announced that the latest Windows Live Essentials application in public beta testing phase.
If you want to be involved in the testing of the latest release of Windows Live application then you can ask questions on any team in the Inside Windows Live Windows Live to know how to get started. "With the new Windows Live Essentials combines the power of the PC and the cloud coverage to improve the experience of Windows 7. The way people connect and share with each other continue to shift toward the cloud (cloud services, red), and we're aware of it. PCs continue to be a hub for important activities such as managing email, organize photos, watch movies and listen to music. What's new Windows Live Essentialas best thing to do is to integrate the PC with the best service owned by the cloud. "LeBlanc concluded.
source: Read More..
Most sales of Windows 7 is likely to come from the business world who have been using XP for several years, after choosing not to upgrade to Microsoft Vista. "Of course the people who hold passionate about the features and benefits of Windows 7 and that our partners provide a PC for Windows 7." Clearly LeBlanc. "One thing that people liked about Windows Seven is how to seamlessly work with the Windows Live application, we are free to share, photos, movies, and communication." Tambahnyam take the opportunity to remind us that the latest beta versions of Messenger, Photo Gallery, Movie Sync Maker and is now available to try. Microsoft also recently announced that the latest Windows Live Essentials application in public beta testing phase.
If you want to be involved in the testing of the latest release of Windows Live application then you can ask questions on any team in the Inside Windows Live Windows Live to know how to get started. "With the new Windows Live Essentials combines the power of the PC and the cloud coverage to improve the experience of Windows 7. The way people connect and share with each other continue to shift toward the cloud (cloud services, red), and we're aware of it. PCs continue to be a hub for important activities such as managing email, organize photos, watch movies and listen to music. What's new Windows Live Essentialas best thing to do is to integrate the PC with the best service owned by the cloud. "LeBlanc concluded.
source: Read More..
U.S. warns North Korea, Washington: The United States warned North Korea to refrain from "actions that could increase tensions" amid concerns that Pyongyang is preparing for the possibility of new missile tests. Said a spokesman for the U.S. State Department Philip Crowley in Washington, USA, Friday (25 / 6)
Crowley said that Washington knew about the announcement of North Korea's declaration of the zone "are prohibited from sailing" for nine days off the west coast of the country, which in the past would suggest testing the missile. "We will not like to see North Korean missile launch to another stage," he added.
South Korea's Defense Ministry say they believe that the declaration of the zone is prohibited to sail "was associated with regular exercise North Korean artillery. Seoul to study, he said, the possibility of Pyongyang was preparing to mengujitembakkan missiles at close range.
Concerns the last U.S. outbreak was delivered on the anniversary of the Korean War 60 years ago. Crowley was not willing to explain in detail the U.S. worries by saying it involves intelligence issues.
Tensions rose after the sinking of a South Korean warship, Cheonan, on March 26, which was mentioned ditorpedo North Korean submarines. Last week, the UN Security Council expresses concern over the tragedy that killed 46 people. UNSC did not mention who was responsible.
Relations between the two Korean states was heating up lately related South Korean vessel was sinking. Friday (4 / 6), South Korean Ambassador to the UN Park In-Kook submit a letter of complaint about the attack to the Mexican ambassador Claude Heller, who this month became president of the 15-nation Security Council.
In a brief statement to reporters, Park did not provide detailed explanations of what Seoul wants the UN Security Council to do or when they wanted a meeting. "We want the Security Council take appropriate action with the gravity of the situation," he said.
International investigators on May 20 announced their findings that indicate that a North Korean submarine fired a torpedo weight, to sink the South Korean warships. Seoul referred to it as the most serious act of aggression carried out Pyongyang since the Korean War 60 years ago.
South Korea announced a series of reprisals which includes trimming the trade with the communist nation's neighbors. By contrast, North Korean denied involvement in that incident and reply to South Korea's actions with the threats of war.
A North Korean diplomat said, the tensions on the Korean peninsula after the sinking of the battleship South Korea so high that "war could erupt at any moment." In a statement at the International Conference on Disarmament remains North Korea's deputy envoy to the UN in Geneva, Ri-Gon Jang blamed "bad situation" was to South Korea and the U.S..
The two Korean states was never reached a Peace treaty since the war 1950-1953 and only depend on a ceasefire Cold War era. (ANT / SHA) Read More..
Crowley said that Washington knew about the announcement of North Korea's declaration of the zone "are prohibited from sailing" for nine days off the west coast of the country, which in the past would suggest testing the missile. "We will not like to see North Korean missile launch to another stage," he added.
South Korea's Defense Ministry say they believe that the declaration of the zone is prohibited to sail "was associated with regular exercise North Korean artillery. Seoul to study, he said, the possibility of Pyongyang was preparing to mengujitembakkan missiles at close range.
Concerns the last U.S. outbreak was delivered on the anniversary of the Korean War 60 years ago. Crowley was not willing to explain in detail the U.S. worries by saying it involves intelligence issues.
Tensions rose after the sinking of a South Korean warship, Cheonan, on March 26, which was mentioned ditorpedo North Korean submarines. Last week, the UN Security Council expresses concern over the tragedy that killed 46 people. UNSC did not mention who was responsible.
Relations between the two Korean states was heating up lately related South Korean vessel was sinking. Friday (4 / 6), South Korean Ambassador to the UN Park In-Kook submit a letter of complaint about the attack to the Mexican ambassador Claude Heller, who this month became president of the 15-nation Security Council.
In a brief statement to reporters, Park did not provide detailed explanations of what Seoul wants the UN Security Council to do or when they wanted a meeting. "We want the Security Council take appropriate action with the gravity of the situation," he said.
International investigators on May 20 announced their findings that indicate that a North Korean submarine fired a torpedo weight, to sink the South Korean warships. Seoul referred to it as the most serious act of aggression carried out Pyongyang since the Korean War 60 years ago.
South Korea announced a series of reprisals which includes trimming the trade with the communist nation's neighbors. By contrast, North Korean denied involvement in that incident and reply to South Korea's actions with the threats of war.
A North Korean diplomat said, the tensions on the Korean peninsula after the sinking of the battleship South Korea so high that "war could erupt at any moment." In a statement at the International Conference on Disarmament remains North Korea's deputy envoy to the UN in Geneva, Ri-Gon Jang blamed "bad situation" was to South Korea and the U.S..
The two Korean states was never reached a Peace treaty since the war 1950-1953 and only depend on a ceasefire Cold War era. (ANT / SHA) Read More..
Top-selling albums Permanent Ariel, Jakarta: The plan released at the same time the new name bands that fronted Nazriel Irham aka Ariel, Lukman, CIU, Reza, and David, would be accomplished in the near future. Although currently dogged by problems associated with the middle Ariel circulation of pornographic video involving a number of artists, the management has not chosen not to release a new album It Ariel Cs.
"No problem. To be sure, with the support of many parties, making friends motivated Ariel's new album," explained the Musica Studio's top brass, by telephone, Friday (25 / 6).
Rrencana launch of the new album received rave music observers Bens Leo. "The album that was collectively owned by its personnel, crew, management. I think this new album still selling in the market, because Peter had a lot of fans and solid. But, do not let Ariel out of the band," he added.
As mentioned about Ariel latest album title, do not want to comment Bens. "I do not know yet what the title of his album, but I've heard a few songs. I predict will sell over two million copies. So my hopes, the end of July this album could be released," he said.
Bens Leo also hope the police can immediately arrest the perpetrators of these video spreaders and finalizing the case. (IDS / SHA)
source : Read More..
"No problem. To be sure, with the support of many parties, making friends motivated Ariel's new album," explained the Musica Studio's top brass, by telephone, Friday (25 / 6).
Rrencana launch of the new album received rave music observers Bens Leo. "The album that was collectively owned by its personnel, crew, management. I think this new album still selling in the market, because Peter had a lot of fans and solid. But, do not let Ariel out of the band," he added.
As mentioned about Ariel latest album title, do not want to comment Bens. "I do not know yet what the title of his album, but I've heard a few songs. I predict will sell over two million copies. So my hopes, the end of July this album could be released," he said.
Bens Leo also hope the police can immediately arrest the perpetrators of these video spreaders and finalizing the case. (IDS / SHA)
source : Read More..
20 Tahun Lagi Gletser Papua Musnah
Timika, - Prof. Lonnie G Thompson, chairman of the Papua ice core research group, estimates that within 20 to 30 years ahead of glacier in Mount Cartensz, near Puncak Jaya, Papua, will be lost as a result of global warming.
"Almost certainly here and in places other tropical, approximately 30 years in the glaciers will disappear due to climate change," said Lonnie Thompson, who is also a professor at Ohio State University in Timika, Saturday (06/26/2010 ).
Thompson led the ice core drilling research project conducted in 2010 of Papua cooperation Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) with the Byrd Polar Research Center (BPRC) The Ohio State University, consisting of researchers from the United States, Russia, France and Indonesia.
Lonnie Thompson's research group leader for 13 days in three-point glaciers which still exists in Papua is glacier Cartensz, E. and W. Northwall Nortwall firs firs are running low or missing.
According to Lonnie Thompson, for 13 days on the glacier region of Papua, the local glaciers has decreased by about 30 centimeters. He estimates that, each year the glacier Papua missing a few meters.
Lonnie Thompson says, the process of melting of ice on the glacier very quickly Papua result of climatic factors, where each day in the area was always raining.
"True if the glacier here is likely to quickly run out because it rained every day. Rain is one of the fastest weather factor spend a glacier," he said.
During their stay in the glacier region of Papua, Lonnie and his colleagues took samples of 88-meter Ice Core with six ice cores drilled to bottom ice, then cut into one-meter and entered into the freezer to be studied further at Ohio State University in the United States.
The results of this study is expected to be completed by the end of the year 2010 and will be published around June 2011. "The mission of this ice sampling to obtain information on climate that still exists in Papua before the information climate glaciers will disappear all," explained Lonnie Thompson.
He said the average temperature in the glacier area of Papua on the day or night revolved around five degrees Celsius to minus 5 degrees Celsius below 0.
According to Lonnie, glaciers on the mountains of Papua is the lowest compared with the glaciers in other places around the world.
"We've taken all the ice samples from different mountains in the world, where the highest in the Himalayas (the border of Tibet and China) with a height of about 7200 meters above sea level. Meanwhile, in Papua, located at an altitude below 5000 meters above sea surface, "he explained.
Lonnie Thompson says glaciers in Papua research activities can not be separated from the support of PT Freeport Indonesia, a gold mining company, copper and silver, which operates in Mimika, Papua.
"Without the help of Freeport, we could not take the ice from the glacier to be taken quickly by helicopter and then put in the freezer to be sent to research centers in the United States. Employees Freeport also provide assistance to move the equipment for research in glacier area of Papua, "he explains.
source : Kompas Read More..
"Almost certainly here and in places other tropical, approximately 30 years in the glaciers will disappear due to climate change," said Lonnie Thompson, who is also a professor at Ohio State University in Timika, Saturday (06/26/2010 ).
Thompson led the ice core drilling research project conducted in 2010 of Papua cooperation Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) with the Byrd Polar Research Center (BPRC) The Ohio State University, consisting of researchers from the United States, Russia, France and Indonesia.
Lonnie Thompson's research group leader for 13 days in three-point glaciers which still exists in Papua is glacier Cartensz, E. and W. Northwall Nortwall firs firs are running low or missing.
According to Lonnie Thompson, for 13 days on the glacier region of Papua, the local glaciers has decreased by about 30 centimeters. He estimates that, each year the glacier Papua missing a few meters.
Lonnie Thompson says, the process of melting of ice on the glacier very quickly Papua result of climatic factors, where each day in the area was always raining.
"True if the glacier here is likely to quickly run out because it rained every day. Rain is one of the fastest weather factor spend a glacier," he said.
During their stay in the glacier region of Papua, Lonnie and his colleagues took samples of 88-meter Ice Core with six ice cores drilled to bottom ice, then cut into one-meter and entered into the freezer to be studied further at Ohio State University in the United States.
The results of this study is expected to be completed by the end of the year 2010 and will be published around June 2011. "The mission of this ice sampling to obtain information on climate that still exists in Papua before the information climate glaciers will disappear all," explained Lonnie Thompson.
He said the average temperature in the glacier area of Papua on the day or night revolved around five degrees Celsius to minus 5 degrees Celsius below 0.
According to Lonnie, glaciers on the mountains of Papua is the lowest compared with the glaciers in other places around the world.
"We've taken all the ice samples from different mountains in the world, where the highest in the Himalayas (the border of Tibet and China) with a height of about 7200 meters above sea level. Meanwhile, in Papua, located at an altitude below 5000 meters above sea surface, "he explained.
Lonnie Thompson says glaciers in Papua research activities can not be separated from the support of PT Freeport Indonesia, a gold mining company, copper and silver, which operates in Mimika, Papua.
"Without the help of Freeport, we could not take the ice from the glacier to be taken quickly by helicopter and then put in the freezer to be sent to research centers in the United States. Employees Freeport also provide assistance to move the equipment for research in glacier area of Papua, "he explains.
source : Kompas Read More..
Spanyol Makin Optimistis
Pretoria, - Spain coach Vicente del Bosque confident, self-confidence has been restored thanks to his team a 2-1 victory over Chile, the last provision of Group H match at the Stadium Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria, Friday (25/6/10). According to the former coach of Real Madrid, this condition makes them more optimistic face the next game, at perdelapan final.
In a crucial match against Chile, Spain winning first through goals David Villa and Andres Iniesta in the first round. 2-0 advantage that makes "La Furia Roja" above the wind and be able to maintain excellence while Chile could be a goal back in the second round. Three points in this fight to make "El Matador" won the group, and will meet their neighbors, Portugal, in a big fight 16 rounds.
"When we fight against Switzerland, we played badly because it is very emotional. After the game today, we now become more optimistic and hope we'll do better again in the next round.
"However, I also have to give a compliment to our players and coaches Chile, which provides a great challenge for us to step into the next round."
Del Bosque also answered questions about the appearance of Fernando Tores, who then was replaced at minute 55.
"I had to replace Fernando because he said he felt uncomfortable with muscle injury. There are no problems with his knee injury.
"I put (Cesc) Fabregas for us because we need to control the middle sector. I'm glad that everything went well." Read More..
In a crucial match against Chile, Spain winning first through goals David Villa and Andres Iniesta in the first round. 2-0 advantage that makes "La Furia Roja" above the wind and be able to maintain excellence while Chile could be a goal back in the second round. Three points in this fight to make "El Matador" won the group, and will meet their neighbors, Portugal, in a big fight 16 rounds.
"When we fight against Switzerland, we played badly because it is very emotional. After the game today, we now become more optimistic and hope we'll do better again in the next round.
"However, I also have to give a compliment to our players and coaches Chile, which provides a great challenge for us to step into the next round."
Del Bosque also answered questions about the appearance of Fernando Tores, who then was replaced at minute 55.
"I had to replace Fernando because he said he felt uncomfortable with muscle injury. There are no problems with his knee injury.
"I put (Cesc) Fabregas for us because we need to control the middle sector. I'm glad that everything went well." Read More..
Parangtritis Beach
Parangteritis beach is one beach on the island of Java. yogyakarta diselatan located. Is a famous beach with the queen of the south coast. I was with friends after exams we visited kepantai selasai parangteristis with a relieved heart exam after we left. was nine we took a motorcycle. to enjoy the scenery along the journey idah and blowing wind. water playing on the beach is a thing that can make tired in my head was free. play water crashing waves. berlarianan make all the burden was lifted. on the beach saw the bekejar omabak-chase was so beautiful and also see the other visitors who also enjoy playing water. South 'is one of the beautiful beaches in the city of Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta travel nearly an hour dri klo manaikin motorcycle.

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Depok Beach
of life is a journey. gather with friends is a beautiful thing. let alone friends travel together to the beach.
I'm with my friends day trips to the beach depok campus located in the south of Yogyakarta there dibumbuhi famous delicious fish with Indonesian cuisine. after finishing an exhausting semester final examinations can hang out and relax on the beach to enjoy the beautiful scenery and culinary delights. Depok beach although the beach but not good enough for the playground because of its place of sloping water that can be dragged and carried by the waves k seas so that there can only enjoy the ocean view and the food.
Enjoying eating shark for the first time is a unique case. mesikupun meat is tender but likely less so delicious. different from the squid made it delicious Bage renyak especially when immersed hemmm sauce ... .. delicious ...
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I'm with my friends day trips to the beach depok campus located in the south of Yogyakarta there dibumbuhi famous delicious fish with Indonesian cuisine. after finishing an exhausting semester final examinations can hang out and relax on the beach to enjoy the beautiful scenery and culinary delights. Depok beach although the beach but not good enough for the playground because of its place of sloping water that can be dragged and carried by the waves k seas so that there can only enjoy the ocean view and the food.
Enjoying eating shark for the first time is a unique case. mesikupun meat is tender but likely less so delicious. different from the squid made it delicious Bage renyak especially when immersed hemmm sauce ... .. delicious ...
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